WARNING: Vaping products contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical. Health Canada

At Montreal Original Labs INC. (“we,” “our,” “us”), we use cookies on our website (montrealoriginal.shop) to enhance your browsing experience and provide you with personalized service. This cookie management policy explains what cookies are, when and why we use them, how you can manage them, and where to find more information about them.

What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small file containing information that is deposited on your web browser when you visit our site. It allows our site to recognize you during your subsequent visits, helping us offer you a smoother and personalized experience.

When Are Cookies Installed?

We only place cookies on your device if you give your consent. During your initial visit to our site, an information banner appears at the bottom of the page to inform you about the use of cookies and ask for your agreement. This banner provides direct access to this cookie management policy, allowing you to accept or decline cookies based on their categories.

The cookies we use have a limited lifespan of 13 months. Once this period has elapsed, they will be deactivated, and your consent will be sought again.

What Cookies Are Used on Our Site?

We use several types of cookies to ensure the proper functioning of the site and improve your browsing experience:

a) Functional Technical Cookies: These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site. They allow us to save your credentials, shopping carts, favorites, or view video content to provide you with an optimal browsing experience. b) Performance Cookies: These cookies are crucial for compiling statistics on site traffic and usage. They help us determine the most visited pages, assess user navigation processes, and diagnose any technical malfunctions. c) Sharing Cookies: These cookies enable you to share pages you like from the site via various social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Some third-party cookies may also be used on our site by third-party companies such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google+. They are subject to the privacy policies of these companies, and you can refer to their sites for more information on the use of their cookies.

How to Manage Cookie Storage?

We give you the freedom to choose whether to accept or reject the installation of cookies on your device. To do this, we provide a cookie management tool that allows you to accept or reject them individually.

You can also configure your web browser to accept or reject cookies. By default, browsers allow cookies, but you can easily change the settings to reject them. Please consult your browser’s support to learn how to make this configuration.